Since 2008, Columbia Valley stakeholders have been working towards a recreation strategy for the Columbia Valley Area that respects and balances the needs of different users while safeguarding the core values that make this region an exceptional place to live, work, and play.

The roots of this initiative can be traced back to the mid-1990s when the Province of BC completed the Kootenay-Boundary Land Use Plan (see interactive timeline below). The Plan’s Implementation Strategy and management guidelines for backcountry recreation and access in the Columbia Valley were very limited, leaving a gap that has not yet been filled.


Kootenay Boundary Land Use Planning process initiated by Province to develop a comprehensive and integrated vision for land and resource use in the Kootenay Boundary region.


Kootenay Boundary Land Use Plan completes Implementation Strategy with management guidelines for backcountry recreation and access management. The Columbia Valley was included in the strategy, however, the management guidelines were limited and are now dated, leaving a gap that has yet to be filled.


BC Provincial Trails Strategy released; some local Columbia Valley stakeholders form an informal group focused on backcountry stewardship issues.


Columbia Valley Recreation Advisory Council (CVRAC) formally established.


Provincial support for land use planning capacity decreased. As a result, BC was no longer participating on the CVRAC process.


The beginings of the Columbia Valley Recreation Access Management Plan (CVRAMP) process.


BC commits to working collaboratively with Indigenous Government, community and stakeholders to modernize land use planning. Terms of Reference are drafted for the CVRAMP process.


The Columbia Valley Recreation Access Management Plan process is initiated by a Steering Committee comprised of local and provincial government and recreation stakeholders.


To better reflect the goals and objectives of this community-led process, it is renamed the Columbia Valley Recreation Planning Initiative. Its primary objective is to develop recreation strategies for Crown lands in the region.

The current Columbia Valley Recreation Planning Initiative was born of a shared vision among diverse local recreational user groups, stewardship groups, local and provincial government and First Nations to resolve recreation management issues and support responsible and sustainable recreation on Crown land in the Columbia Valley.

The goal of the Initiative is to develop recommendations for recreation management that protect important values and reduces adverse recreation impacts on public lands. These values include:

  • Indigenous cultural and archaeological values and resources.
  • Environmental values including environmentally sensitive areas, significant ecological values, important wildlife habitat.
  • Range and agricultural values.

Recommendations from this initiative will focus broadly on identifying which recreation activities and uses are appropriate at which locations and times of year and will serve as a guide to inform future land use decision making.

The Columbia Valley Recreation Planning Committee will engage a broad range of stakeholders, recreation users and residents to help shape and inform our recommendations.

Please contact us if you would like to stay informed during the process.